Mulia Privilege Member Exclusive

Elevate Your Rewards

Earn points while dining at our signature restaurants & bars

Mulia Privilege Dining Offers

Indulge in exquisite dining experiences and elevate your rewards with our exciting new offer. As a valued member, you can now earn enhanced points on every meal enjoyed with us.

Experience enhanced points accumulation when you dine with us. Earn more points and unlock exclusive rewards and privileges.

Not a member yet? Please contact us to enrol!

For more inquiries, please contact:
Mulia Privilege Loyalty Team
E: [email protected]
P: +62 361 3017777
WhatsApp: +6285 5390 4511 (message only)

Terms & Conditions

  • Primary members must be present and dining at the outlet.
  • The primary member must show their membership number to the receptionist/cashier.
  • A reservation is required to redeem this offer.
  • Points calculation is based on spending value before prevailing tax and service charge, and excludes alcoholic beverages purchased.
  • Eligible members will receive their points within 5 – 7 days; a confirmation letter will be sent once the points have been successfully added.