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Direct Booking Special

Early Bird Special

Take advantage of a special discount by booking at least 10 days in advance for the stay.

Direct Booking Special

Advance Booking Special

Plan ahead and save more. Enjoy a seamless experience with premium amenities and exceptional service throughout the stay.

Package Benefits

Take advantage of an exclusive discount by securing a reservation at least 10 days in advance. This advanced booking privilege not only ensures the best available rate but also grants access to an array of premium facilities and unparalleled service throughout the stay.

By planning ahead, enjoy a luxurious experience tailored to sophistication and elegance. Revel in the peace of mind that comes with securing exceptional value and exceptional quality. Whether for a serene retreat or a special celebration, advance reservations provide a seamless and refined experience, allowing every detail to be thoughtfully arranged. Embrace the opportunity to indulge in the ultimate in comfort and style with early booking advantages.

For more information and reservation, please contact:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +62 21 5753299

Daily Breakfast

International breakfast at The Cafe.

Exclusive Mulia Executive Lounge Access

For Mulia Executive room and Junior Suite.

Booking Terms

10 days minimum advance booking is required.


Full payment is required upon reservation.